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recovered materials中文是什么意思

用"recovered materials"造句"recovered materials"怎么读"recovered materials" in a sentence


  • 回收材料


  • Recovered materials sorted and collected through various means will eventually be delivered to recyclers for processing
  • Supply chain , upon request from the quality unit , are responsible for the appropriate and timely disposition of rejected and recalled / recovered materials
  • Departments implement different recycling programmes to recover materials such as paper , plastic bottles , used cds etc . in their respective offices
  • These bins account for about 30 per cent of all the waste separation bins in the territory , and they produce less than one per cent of all the recovered materials
  • Products of a 20 - year investigation by the department of energy , the recovered materials and their subsequent analyses have made the volcanic protrusion among the most studied features on earth
  • Applied to metallurgy , casting , building materials , food chemicals , cement , fertilizers , and other industries , trapping dry granular non - fibrous dust and soot dust , the use of equipment can be recovered materials
  • Of the unit cost of recovery ( i . e . the ratio between the amount of funding granted and the weight of the recovered materials ) of each type of recovered materials , and the market price per tonne of the materials recovered , broken down by type of materials recovered ; and
    按回收物料的种类划分,各种回收物料的单位回收成本(即计划的开支与回收物料重量的比例) ,以及每公吨回收物料的市场价值;及
  • Of the unit cost of recovery ( i . e . the ratio between the amount of funding granted and the weight of the recovered materials ) of the projects mentioned in ( a ) above , and the market price per tonne of the materials recovered , broken down by type of recovered materials ; and
    按回收物料的种类划分,第(一)项所指项目的单位回收成本(即资助金额与回收物料重量的比例) ,以及每公吨回收物料的市场价值;及
  • Together with the commerce , industry and technology bureau we are examining , through industrial development , ways to turn recovered materials into useable materials . this would involve importation of high technology and investment , which is conducive to the development of green industry . we consider that the green industry has immence development potential and is actually a newly - developing industry in the mainland
用"recovered materials"造句  
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